Stone Temple Pilots Wet My Bed letra traducida en español

Stone Temple Pilots Wet My Bed Letra
Stone Temple Pilots Wet My Bed Traduccion
Hey everybody
Hola a todos
Where did mary go?
A donde fue Mary?
Where did mary go?
A donde fue Mary?
And where's my only cigarette?
Y donde esta my unico cigarro?
Please think for me I can't bare to...
Por favor, piensa en mi, no puedo estar desnudo...
I'll just lie here for a while,
Me quedare aquí un rato,
wet myself,
wet my bed,
mi cama humeda,
I readied it all for her,
Lo prepare todo para ella
ya know.
ya sabes
Clean sheets,
sabanas limpias,
and lot's of fluffy,
y un monton de mullidas
now soiled.
ahora sucias
And where's my cigarette?
Donde esa mi cigarette?
Did you check the bathroom?
revisate el baño?
The bathtub?
la tina?
She sleeps there sometimes,
Ella duerme ahi a veces
water cleanses you know,
Agua limpia, ya sabes
washes dirt away,
Se lava la suciedad
makes new.
haciendola nueva
Maybe she
Quizas ella
Maybe she
Quizas ella
Maybe she sw...
Quizas ella hu...
Maybe sh...
Quizas ell...
Maybe she swam away...
Quizas ella huyó nadando...